Conference Workshop Design for Digital Health Interventions DDHI-2023
PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA) 2023 Conference
5th-7th July 2023, Corfu, Greece
As the world transitions into the information age, incorporating Digital Health Interventions (DHIs) for well-being and health promotion is becoming commonplace. Implementing DHIs in daily living settings offers the opportunity to reach specific target groups at lower implementation costs, promote health, and improve people’s well-being. Well-being is a part of a more holistic definition of health. According to the World Health Organization, it is
“a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.
Health promotion enables people to increase control over their health and its determinants, thereby improving their health.
Studies highlighted the low effectiveness of DHI and low engagement of people, which requires attention to the design practices for DHI. The current DHI design practices require multidisciplinary collaboration. Theoretical knowledge of health psychology and well-being (e.g., theories of health, well-being, and behaviour modification) can contribute to DHI design. At the same time, understanding methodologies of interaction design, the design of interactive behaviour of digital products, user experience design, and visual design can play a vital role in the success of DHI. The right planned and implemented design can enrich DHI’s affordances and grow their quality to upper levels.
Purpose & format
The aim of the workshop is to foster discussion related to design-related issues, approaches, and practices for designing DHI, which can bring together practitioners and researchers from interaction design, user experience design, service design, health sciences, psychology, and other relevant disciplines. The researchers will present their work and receive feedback from their peers. The workshop targets promoting collaboration and networking among design and health professionals, sharing the results of their studies and best practices used in research and development.
This DDHI-2023 workshop invites contributions that seek to advance and innovate in the current design practices of DHI, such as new frameworks, DHI design guidelines, methods of monitoring behavioural and psychological status, and consideration of potential ethical issues.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Understanding, selecting and integrating health-related challenges for digital health interventions
- Community and public engagement for designing digital health interventions
- Using Multi-disciplinary approaches for designing digital health interventions
- Designing digital health interventions for health promotion and wellbeing
- Implementing theory-based strategies in digital health interventions
- Designing digital health interventions for behaviour change
- Designing and implementing behaviour change techniques in digital health interventions
- Designing systems for health care provider communication
- User-centred approaches for designing digital health interventions
- Innovations in design approaches for digital health interventions
- Interaction design for digital health interventions
- Visual design for digital health interventions
- User experience design for digital health interventions
- Service design for digital health interventions
- Design for Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions
- Design for of health monitoring
- Ethical challenges for design for digital health interventions
- Evaluation methods and techniques for health and wellbeing design
- Evaluating usability and user experience of digital health interventions
About the conference
The workshop will be part of the PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments Conference (PETRA 2023) that will be held in Corfu, Greece 5th-7th July 2023.
The PETRA 2023 proceedings will be Published in the ACM Digital Library as part of the ACM ICPS program.
Paper Submission deadline:
March 10, 2023. Due to popular demand, the submission deadline for workshop, poster and demo papers
has been extended to March 25, 2023. Submission length 3-10 pages (incl. refs).
Notification Date: April 10, 2023
Camera-Ready: To be announced
Submission Instructions
The authors need to submit papers in the EasyChair system. The author(s) need to select WS-6 DDH-Design for Digital Health Interventions (in the section: Other Information and Files).
Author guidelines can be found here. The papers should be 3-10 pages, including references, and the references should be in AMA format. Please submit in Word format using Arial font, point size 11. Please include a complete list of authors, including email addresses and profiles.
Workshop Organizers

School of Digital Technologies, Tallinn University
Dr Vladimir Tomberg,
Dr David Ribeiro Lamas,
Questions about any aspect of the workshop can be directed to