Bringing Interaction Design to the Fore is a series of seminar talks and presentations from researchers and practitioners who have visited IDLAB within the past few years. Special thanks for making the seminars possible goes to HITSA Tiger University Programme.
#workshops #lectures #conferences
Life in HCI
Experimental Interaction Design Course by HCI
The Hardware Prototyping Lab
The Interaction Design Lab
HCI Stories: Masho Margishvili
The User Experience Lab
Aaron Quigley - Global Human Computer Interaction
WUD 2018 Estonia
Emily Hinks - The Power Of Creative Confidence
WUD 2018 Estonia
Helen Job - Future Of Work And Learning 1
WUD 2018 Estonia
Hugo Silva - Your Body As An Interface
WUD 2018 Estonia
Joe Macleod - Ends. Why Are They Vital And What We Do About It?
WUD 2018 Estonia
John Moriarty - Designing Intelligence
WUD 2018 Estonia
Jon Barnes - Designing Resilient And Honest Organisations
WUD 2018 Estonia
Lauren Kelly - The Science Of Design
WUD 2018 Estonia
Petyo Budakov - Information Visualisation
WUD 2018 Estonia
Tomasz Pieta - Data Driven Ux In The Dark
WUD 2018 Estonia
Steve Rawling Why Smart People Do Stupid Things And What You Can Do About It
WUD 2018 Estonia
Aleksander Valjamae - Neuro art
WUD 2017 Estonia
Ana Tajadura Jimenez - The Hearing Body
WUD 2017 Estonia
Froukje Visser - Service Design by Industrial Designers
WUD 2017 Estonia
Joel van Bodegraven - Designing Anticipated User Experiences
WUD 2017 Estonia
Kristi Kuusk Crafting Smart Textile Services
WUD 2017 Estonia
Molly Norris UX for Growth
WUD 2017 Estonia
Lawrence Kitson Service Design
WUD 2017 Estonia
Nur Karadeniz Design at the Heart of Innovation
WUD 2017 Estonia
Stephan Wensveen The Role of the Prototype in Research Through Design
WUD 2017 Estonia
Marc Hassenzahl: Experience and Interaction - Designing Meaningful Moments
Balanced Integration of Design Paradigms for Generous Interaction Design
Usability standards state of the art and the future challanges
Designing Interactions
Social Ways of Managing Availability in Mediated Communication
Virpi Roto - User Experience: Why, What, How?
Virpi Roto: User Experience Research and Practice - Two Different Planets?
Aga Bojko - Using Eyetracking to Mesure and Improve the User Experience
Aga Bojko - NeuroUX: Smoke and Mirrors or the Future of UX Research?
Francesca Constabile: Usability Engineering in Software Development
Chris Lock- Designing for UX- Performance and Persuasion Perspectives
Chris Lock - Persuasion, Emotion and Trust in Online Banking
Jelena Jovanovic - Advancing Organizational Learning, Knowledge Sharing and Goal Management